Luciano Alcaraz

Front-end Developer

About me

Who am I?

I am a programmer with over 3 years of experience creating websites and web applications using React. During this time, I have worked on various projects, including e-commerce sites, institutional websites, and landing pages.

My experience

Since 2021, I have been part of the EstoEs team as a Front-end Developer, where I have the following responsibilities:

  • Analyzing and estimating delivery times
  • Developing user interfaces
  • Collaborating with the design and backend teams
  • Providing maintenance to projects
  • Creating and managing tasks in Jira and Asana
  • Reviewing and correcting Pull Requests

What tools do I use?


HTML, CSS, JavaScript (ES6), TypeScript


React.js, Next.js

State management

Context API, Redux

CSS preprocessors

Sass, LESS


TailwindCSS, Shadcn/ui, Material UI, Styled-components, Bootstrap, Framer Motion

Data fetching

Axios, Redux Toolkit Query, TanStack Query


Jest, React Testing Library


NPM, Yarn, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket

Project management

Jira, Asana, Trello, Slack

Design tools

Figma, Adobe Photoshop

Spoken languages

English (C1), Spanish (native)


Screenshot of ClubDeCongelados website
E-commerce B2C

In this project, I learned to use Tailwind for styling, Shadcn for creating and modifying predefined components, and TanStack Query for managing the fetching, caching, and updating of asynchronous data.

Screenshot of the Vieníssima website
Product landing

For this project, I was responsible for planning and creating tasks in Jira. Additionally, I developed a design system that enhanced synchronization with the design team, reduced styling errors, and accelerated development timelines.



If you believe I would be a good fit for your team or if you'd like to discuss a specific project, please feel free to email me or connect with me on LinkedIn.